
NOM Members adopted Resolution on commodification of the higher education

HELSINKI – Nordic Organisational Meeting (NOM) – a platform for cooperation between National Unions of Students in Nordic and Baltic countries took place on October 26-28, gathering 30 student representatives from the NOM region, the European Students’ Union, Ministry of Education and Culture of Finland and other experts in field of higher education discussed the issue of higher education commodification and its afterwards in the region.

During the official NOM meeting a resolution on the matter was adopted, whereas it is been emphasised, introduction of tuition fees for non-EU/EEA students decreases the number of overseas students and increases the homogenisation of the student body. This also is a beginning for the higher education understanding as a commercial good.

Lithuanian National Union of Students was represented at the NOM meeting by Vice President for International Representation Maksim Milto and Kaunas University of Technology Students’ Union Vytautas Juozas Petkus.

Milto says: „It is extremely important to ensure the united approach of the student representatives in the Baltic sea region towards the higher education commodification. We are happy to see the solidarity of students in the region, what is highlighted in the adopted resolution”.

Lithuanian National Union of Students is a full member of NOM since 2006 and together with Finnish National Union of University Students, Finnish National Union of Universities of Applied Sciences Students and University of Iceland Student Council is holding a NOM Chairing Troika position. Next NOM meeting will take place in Reykjavik, Iceland in spring 2013.